Thursday, October 15, 2009

Kylee's First Date!

Last weekend Shawn took Kylee on her first date to a 50's dance that was put on by the activity day girls and there wonderful leaders. They had such a good time and talked about it for days.
As one the activities prior to the dance Kylee, with the help of her leaders made that cute poodle skirt to wear.
Don't they look so cute!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

My sweet baby turns ONE!

It is so hard for me to believe that Anni is already one year old. I took her to the doctor the other day and she weight 23 pounds and is 31 inches tall. (Yes she is a big girl). She is in the 85 percentile in her weight and 95 percent in her height. She reminds Shawn and I a lot of Kylee when she was a baby.
We had a little Birthday party for her on the 23rd with all of her cousins. She had so much fun. She absolutely loved her cupcake and surprised me with her ability to open presents.